Kimchi Buchimgae (Kimchi Pancake)

One of my absolute favorites.  As a child I used to make this dish often because it was so easy to make.

Makes 3 medium size pancakes.


  • 1 cups of Sohi Kimchi [fermented at least 3 weeks]
  • 1 cups of all purpose flour
  • 1 tablespoon of kimchi juice [liquid in the kimchi jar]
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt

Optional [Add in step 3]

  • cooked pork lightly salted
  • white zucchini lightly salted
  • korean chives
  • green onion
  • jalapenos


  1. In a large bowl mix Sohi Kimchi, flour and water.  Mix until all the flour is incorporated with the water and there is no more visible white flour.
  2. Add kimchi juice and salt to batter and mix thoroughly.
  3. [Optional]  At this stage add any additional ingredients desired.
  4. In a new bowl put about 2 cups of neutral frying oil (vegetable oil, avocado oil, or canola oil).  This bowl is used to spoon the oil into pan as needed.
  5. Add about 2 tablespoons of oil from the oil bowl into the frying pan and coat the surface of the pan.
  6. Set the stove to medium high heat and laddle the batter into the center of the pan.  As the batter begins to fry you will see the edges of the pancake changing to a darker orange.  If any of the edges need more oil, spoon a little oil to the dry edges.
  7. Once the edges have turned darker orange.  Check the bottom of the pancake by lifting one edge of the pancake with a spatula to see if the bottom is crispy.  Once the pancake is crisp enough and firm enough, flip over to the other side.
  8. Continue to cook until both sides are crispy and the center is fully cooked.
  9. Transfer to a plate and serve.

TIps, Substitutions, and Variations

  • Although this is a pancake, we do not advise that you stack them like pancakes because the pancakes will steam when on top of each other and will lose its crispiness.
  • My favorite variation is to add all the optional ingredients listed above.  The photo gallery displays roughly the quantity and cuts I prefer but you do not need to stick to these ingredients.  Be sure to thoroughly cook any meat you may be adding to the batter. 
  • Additional variations include seafood like scallops, octopus or squid, beef, onions.